Our Story


I loved a cookie once. I stood in line around a corner to be the next in line to receive hot, fresh, hand-made cookies from a specific shop often referred to as the best cookie in NYC.

I nearly froze solid in a chilly October Manhattan wind. They all told me it would be worth the wait. Trust them, they said.

I’ll admit it. They were right. I could have died a happy man on the spot, having enjoyed my absolute favorite cookie ever…up to that point.

Fast forward. COVID. NYC ain’t gonna happen. I wanted those freaking cookies, so I set out to recreate them for myself. And a funny thing happened. I quite accidentally made what I believe to be a cookie better than any I’d ever had. That one became two, and then three. THREE FACE MELTINGLY GOOD COOKIES!

Then they said, “Joe, you should sell these.”

Welp…here we are.